Model T-30

製品名:母乳低温殺菌装置 Model T-30
メーカー:Medicare Colgate Ltd

(Pasteurisation for mothers’ milk facilitates the retention of immunological factors otherwise destroyed by high temperature treatments and is also known to eliminate the HIV and CMV virus.)
Sterifeed低温殺菌装置は、母乳バンクの設立と運営に関するNHS National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellenceのガイドラインに準拠しています。特に、母乳の温度が10分未満で25℃ / 77℉に低下し、低温殺菌サイクル内で温度が4℃ / 39°F以下になるように定義された急速冷却の要件は、それに応じて検証されます。これは、冷蔵または冷凍に移す前に達成する必要があります。
(Sterifeed Pasteurisers comply with the NHS National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence guidelines for the establishment and operation of Human Milk Banks. In particular the requirements for rapid cooling defined as the milk temperature drop to 25°C / 77°F in less than 10 minutes, with a resultant temperature of < 4°C / 39° F within the pasteurisation cycle and validated accordingly. This should be achieved before transferring to refrigeration or freezing.)
Sterifeed T30低温殺菌装置は、新生児学者、微生物学者、および栄養士からの貴重な情報をもとに開発された、最新世代の乳児用食料低温殺菌装置です。Sterifeed低温殺菌装置は、1980年代初頭から継続的な研究と開発を受けてきました。
(The Sterifeed T30 pasteuriser represents the latest generation of Infant Feed Pasteurisers, developed with valuable input from Neonatologists, Microbiologists and Dieticians. Sterifeed pasteurisers have undergone continuous research and development from the early 1980’s.)
特徴 (Features)
ベンチトップ型(Bench Top version)
(Multiple pasteuriser basket sizes for different size bottles)
(Data logger, control bottle and probe to measure milk temperature every minute of the pasteurisation cycle for proof of treatment)
(No residue water traps eliminating equipment sterilisation cycle)
簡単なインストール(Simple Installation)
親切なオペレーター(Operator friendly)
経験(Global market leader, 400 units in over 50 countries, 35 years experience)
加熱および冷蔵冷却サイクル(Automatic operation with a manual step; heating and refrigerated cooling cycle with final milk temperature of 4°C / 39° F)
PLCのタッチスクリーン操作(Control touch screen PLC)
冷却サイクルでのボトルの水没を選択するための変更可能な水位(Changeable water levels for choice of submersion of the bottle on the cooling cycle)
環境にやさしい – 大量の水を使用しない
(Environmentally friendly – no high water volume usage)
ステンレス鋼構造(Stainless Steel construction)
(Meets all world milk banking guidelines)
容量 (Capacity)
容量-3リットル (3 Litre Capacity)
130ml/250mlボトル×12本 (12 x 130ml /250ml bottles)
データロガー (Data Logger)

(The Sterifeed data logger does not require a direct connection to a PC. The data logger comes with an installation disk, which when installing the programme to the PC, automatically selects the correct instruction language from the PC. Once the disk has been installed the data logger can be started via a USB cable. This can then be disconnected from the PC and connected to the bottle probe to be place in the pasteuriser.)
(The data logger takes a reading of the milk temperature for every minute the milk is in the pasteuriser. The data logger also records the time and the date of the cycle. Once the pasteurisation cycle is complete the information can be downloaded via the USB to the PC. This gives a permanent record of the satisfactory treatment of every batch. The Sterifeed data logger enables the customer to have data verification and proof of treatment for all milk or formulae pasteurised with instant data retrieval.
(The data can also be printed in either graph view or list format so that proof of treatment can be clearly read. The data can also be sent electronically.)
(Unlike some other pasteurisers on the market, the Sterifeed Pasteurisation system has a data logger which records the key ‘milk temperature’ and not the water bath temperature.)
プロセス検証 (Process Verification)

(A time and temperature reading is taken every minute, recording the exact temperature of the milk, time and date.This information is downloaded on to the software provided to give a permanent record of satisfactory treatment forevery batch. Which can be printed in either graph or list format so that proof of treatment can be provided at anytime.)
電気:230V 50 Hz 2400ワット11FLA
消費電力:2.3 kwh
騒音レベル:最大64db @ 0.5m