母乳(Breast milk)
(Breast milk is the preferred choice when feeding newborn infants. The World Health Organization (WHO)recommends breastfeeding for up to two years starting as soon as 1 hour after birth. The list of breastfeeding benefitsfor the baby is long. Here we mention a few of them.)
赤ちゃんに理想的な栄養(Ideal nutrition for babies)
(Human breast milk is considered a gold‐standard feeding food for newborn infants. Rich and unique composition ofthis biofluid contains vital nutrients and immune factors which promote healthy growth and development of an infant.With the optimal amount of micro and micronutrients it is perfectly complete nutrition for the infant.)
母乳に含まれるさまざまな抗体は、赤ちゃんがウイルスや細菌と戦うのに役立ちます。初乳と呼ばれる分娩後数日間に分泌される初めての乳汁は非常に重要で、高レベルの分泌型 IgA (SlgA)が含まれています。SlgAは、母乳の主要な保護剤として機能します。SlgAは、病原体の固定化や毒素やウイルスの中和など、いくつかのメカニズムを介して粘膜病原体と戦います。破壊に対して比較的耐性があるため、消化管内の病原体に対する保護を提供します (Hanson & Korotkova, 2002)。肺炎、下痢、感染症などの健康上の問題から乳児を守るために、これほどまでにさまざまな抗体が構成された粉ミルクはありません。
(The different antibodies present in breast milk help babies fight off viruses and bacteria. It is of great importanceespecially during the first days of life and the first milk called colostrum contains high levels of secreted IgA (SigA).SIgA functions as the primary protective agent in breast milk. SIgA challenges mucosal pathogens via severalmechanisms such as immobilizing pathogens, as well as neutralizing toxins and viruses. Being relatively resistant to destruction, it provides protection against pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract (Hanson & Korotkova, 2002). No formula provides such a well‐composed cocktail of antibodies to protect the infant from health challenges likepneumonia, diarrhea, infection, and many others.)
(Reduced risk for many illnesses and diseases)
1歳未満の乳児を対象とした研究では、母乳育児により感染における入院のリスクが低下することが示されました(Talayero et al., 2006)。授乳期間が長いほど、肺炎(Chantry et al., 2006)、呼吸器合胞体ウイルス細気管支炎(いわゆるRS)(Nishimura et al., 2009)のリスクが低くなります。ただし、子供が母乳で育てられている場合、他の多くの健康上の問題になるリスクがはるかに下がります。
(Studies of infants younger than 1 year showed that breastfeeding lowers risk for hospital admission as a result of infections (Talayero et al., 2006). The longer the breastfeeding period the lower the risk for pneumonia (Chantry et al., 2006), respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis (so called RS) (Nishimura et al., 2009). However, there are many other health challenges for which the risk is much lower when the child is breastfed. )
これらには以下が含まれます:(These include:)
消化管感染症(Gastrointestinal Tract Infections)
耳の感染症(Ear infection)
壊死性腸炎(Necrotizing Enterocolitis)
アレルギー疾患 (Allergic Diseases)
乳幼児突然死症候群(SIDS : Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
セリアック病(Celiac Disease)
炎症性腸疾患(IBD : Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
小児白血病およびリンパ腫(Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma)
健康な腸(Healthy gut)
母乳に含まれる最適な栄養の生理活性成分を提供することの他に、腸内細菌叢の形成を助けます。ラクトフェリン、サイトカイン、IgA、母乳オリゴ糖(HMO)、抗菌ペプチド、マイクロRNAを含む細胞外小胞は全て、幼い子供の「良い」腸内微生物叢の形成に重要な役割を果たしているようです。母乳に存在するさまざまな細菌の集まりは、「最初のコーティング」を提供することにより、乳児の腸内細菌叢を確立するのに役立ちます。これは、乳児の健康と免疫システムの機能に生涯にわたって大きな影響を与えることになります。乳児の腸のコロニー形成の過程は非常に複雑で、年齢、出産方法、乳児の摂食の種類、環境要因など、いくつかの重複する要素の影響を受けます(Pannaraj, 2017)。細菌の研究では、授乳中の微生物叢の組成変化は、分娩モードではなく授乳段階に大きく左右されることが示されました(Lyons et al., 2022)
Apart from providing optimal nutrition bioactive components present in breast milk help shape the gut microbiota.Lactoferrin, cytokines, IgA, human milk oligosaccharides (HMO), antimicrobial peptides and microRNA‐bearing extracellular vesicles all seem to play an important role in formation of a “good” gut microbiome in young children.Different population of bacteria present in human milk help establishing the infant’s gut microbiome by providing “the first coating”. That will have a great lifelong impact on infant’s health and functioning of the immune system. Theprocess of colonization of the infant gut is very complex and is influenced by several overlapping elements such as age, mode of delivery, type of infant feeding and environmental factors (Pannaraj, 2017). Recent study showed that microbiota compositional changes during lactation depend greatly on lactation stage and not on the mode of delivery (Lyons et al., 2022)
Not only is breastfeeding beneficial for the child, but there are also several long‐ and short‐term benefits for the breastfeeding mothers such as
人間の母乳の生物活性のある複雑な成分は、新生児に完全な栄養を提供し呼吸器や胃腸の感染症やアレルギーから乳児を保護します。母乳育児は乳児の腸内微生物叢を確立する上で不可欠であり、腸内に高度にパーソナライズされた微生物の特徴を作り出します。母乳育児は、母親に多くの健康上の利点をもたらします。母親と母乳育児中の子供との間のユニークで強力な身体的および情緒的なつながりは多くの女性にとって最優先事項である母親の充実感を達成するのに役立ちます。要約すると、母乳は新生児にとって最も標準的な栄養食品であり、可能な限り実施されるべきであり、既存の禁忌はありません。 Bioactive and complex composition of human breast milk provides both complete nutrition for the newborn infantand protects an infant from respiratory and gastrointestinal infections and allergies. Breastfeeding is essential in establishing the infant gut microbiome and it creates a highly personalized microbial signature in the gut. Breastfeeding provides plenty of health benefits for mothers. Unique and powerful physical and emotional connection between a mother and a breastfeeding child can help achieve the feeling of maternal fulfillment which is often a top priority for many women. In summary, human breast milk is a gold‐standard feeding food for newborn infants and it should be implementedwhenever possible and there are no existing contraindications.
Chantry ,C .J . ,Howard ,C .R. & Auinger,P.(2006) 米国の小児における完全母乳育児期間とそれに関連する気道感染症の減少。小児科,(Full breastfeeding duration and associated decrease in respiratory tract infection in US children. Pediatrics,)117(2),425-432 https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2004‐2283
Hanson, L.A.&Korotkova,M.(2002) 新生児感染の予防における母乳育児の役割。新生児学セミナー,(The role of breastfeeding in prevention of neonatal infection. Seminars in Neonatology,)7(4),275-281 https://doi.org/10.1053/SINY.2002.0124
Lyons, K. E., Shea, C.‐A. O. ’, Grimaud, G., Ryan, C. A., Dempsey, E., Kelly, A. L., Ross, R. P., & Stanton, C. (2022).
母乳の微生物群は、出産様式ではなく、授乳期と一致する。科学的報告,(The human milk microbiome aligns with lactation stage and not birth mode. Scientific Reports |,) 12(5598)https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598‐022‐09009‐y
Nishimura, T., Suzue, J., & Kaji, H. (2009). 他施設前向き研究:母乳育児は、幼い乳児の呼吸器合胞体ウイルス感染の重症度を軽減します。国際小児科学会,(Breastfeeding reduces the severity of respiratory syncytial virus infection among young infants: A multi‐center prospective study. Pediatrics International,)51(6),812-816https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1442‐200X.2009.02877.x
Pannaraj, P. S. (2017)
母乳細菌群集と乳児腸内細菌叢の形成・発達との関連性。JAMA小児科,(Association Between Breast Milk Bacterial Communities and Establishment and Developmentof the Infant Gut Microbiome. JAMA Pediatrics,)171(7)、647-654
Talayero, J. M. P., Lizán‐García, M., Puime, Á. O., Muncharaz, M. J. B., Soto, B. B., Sánchez‐Palomares, M., Serrano, L. S., & Rivera,L. L. (2006)完全母乳育児と生後1年以内の感染症による入院について。小児科,(Full breastfeeding andhospitalization as a result of infections in the first year of life. Pediatrics, )118(1) https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2005‐1629
Facilitates Involution of the uterus and reduces uterine bleeding
Helps resumption of normal weight after the pregnancy
Saves money otherwise spent on formula
Hormones Prolactin & Oxytocin lower the risk for postpartum depression
Reduces the risks of ovarian and breast cancer in the mother
Creates bonding between the mother and the baby
母乳育児 Breastfeeding